
To what extent a person can be trusted? 

To the extent that his self-interest is not compromised. 

To what extent a person can trust himself? 

The question is meaningless until a purpose is defined - what kind of person he wants to be, what kind of life he wants to lead or, more fundamentally, what he most values in life.

Then, to the extent that he is prepared to judge himself thoroughly and honestly.

But a person may be confused between what he thinks he values and what he genuinely values in life. So, is there any truth about a person? 

The bottom line is that what a person actually does - or does not do - reflects far more about the person than what he says, however often he says something - and however convicted he is of what he says.

Is it then not just a matter of perception after all, and who by? So how close to the truth - if an absolute truth there were - could that be?

Perhaps, the wisdom to the quest for the truth can only lie in the consequence of some action of a person, and the lesson that he is prepared to draw from it. Simply put, it all depends on to what extent he cares about what his action will mean to other people.


More often than not, it is the interpretation of a person's intent, but not the intent itself which is confusing.

Can trust be found after all?

Yes, but only with certain qualifying caveats and an understanding of the downside risk.     


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