De-friended !

Why would anyone invite you to add her as a friend, and not too long after you have gladly accepted the pleasantly surprising invitation, only to surreptitiously delete you from her friend list?

Perhaps the invitation was simply impulsive and half-hearted in the first place, not intended for genuine friendship but a mere addition to the database - as so many online requests are conveniently clicked through as such nowadays. But then why deplete the database by one?

Perhaps she has seen no regular updates to your online status, and considers your relatively low level of activity not adding enough value to reach her expectation on friendship, therefore not deserving her recognition as such. But you also have not been destroying any value, certainly not to your knowledge. So why do you deserve such snub?

Perhaps she does not feel comfortable to expose her thoughts and feelings to you for any longer - which she has been unintentionally doing for your unsolicited privilege ever since you have accepted her impulsive friending request - but which she will be obliged to do so for as long as you remain on her friend list, hence the need and determination to eliminate you - a stranger after all - from her space. But what particularly prompts her sudden change of heart?

Whatever the reason, does she honestly think that the act of de-friending can really be executed surreptitiously without stirring a ruffle to the heart, or perhaps she simply couldn't care less about your feeling?

Perhaps you know the answer, or perhaps you will never find the truth. Never mind, you have lived long enough to appreciate the fickleness of feeling and fragility of human relationship. In fact, it is rather amusing.

In any case, I am suddenly enlightened that, in cyberspace, one can choose the next person to the full extent at ones absolute discretion.


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