Literature, Drama & Management

These are of course three different schools of human endeavors. Yet the commonality may be more readily appreciated than denied - the mastery of words. 

Is it not literature all about - the art of shaping thoughts and imagination into words which transcend across media and link like-minded souls, arousing sentimental resonance?

Drama, adding one more dimension to the fictional world, allows life sentiments of love and affliction, and all the rest of human feelings to be vividly played out on stage.

Without belittling or compromising the importance of logical thinking and business acumen, the most critical denominator of management skills is, after all, the ability to express ones thoughts and convince others to ones convicted courses.

Indeed arts and logic are not necessarily mutually exclusive exercises. For all the differences in the learning process, both concern the ability to discern foreign objects and anchor them to known concepts for hatching the sense of understanding.

Anyway, I readily enjoy crossing over the three diverse yet related worlds - reading, watching plays, and acting leader in the corporate world - intellectually and sentimentally exploring and practising the skills of convergence. 


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