Coming soon: "A Person's True Vocation"

Every now and then, particularly in the absence of any responses, I ask myself: why blog?

Although the blog statistics indicate that there are readers out there reading my posts, as reactions and comments are rare, sometimes it feels like I am simply talking to myself or the thin air.

Perhaps what I wrote were of no particular significance to anyone or simply just boring, or there may be other reasons why blog comments are dead and over. It doesn't matter.

Blogging is indeed just a self-serving exercise. Since I was convicted of my own reasons for why I blog, I have never doubted them--though I am not necessarily being overwhelmingly enthusiastic about it all the time.

I have also never seriously aspired to make money out of it, indeed never really believe that anyone could possibly make serious money from simply blogging as a lone blogger himself or herself, as some bloggers claimed they did. Even there may be occasional winners, I doubt its sustainability.

But I am glad that I have been clocking up enough hours of writing to claim the status as a published author soon, for "A Person's True Vocation".

By the way, I have not lost faith in the likelihood of sincere feedback from readers. If you happen to be reading my blog occasionally, please kindly show me a sign or two.


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