Another Round of Resolution!

With a few more hours to go before 2010, I can't find anything better to do than to review past resolution and form new imagination.

I was hoping for a miracle. But there was none - cancer was fatal after all.

2009 was a year of severe test of perseverance - of preserving my sanity in face of some heart-shattering loss. 

But it was also one of ground-shifting changes through which, consolingly, I've seen new horizons, refined and re-invented my worn-self and found new reality. I have embraced all things of myself - be they self-infatuated or undesirable - and move contentedly on. 

7 out of 10: if I am to pass a self-judgement on my last resolution.

For another round of perseverance game, and simplicity:
1) Accomplish my debut of fiction: "The Age of Spinning" or otherwise.

2) Fulfill the vision I have set for my occupational company.

3) Have my daughter score me higher than her mom in her private system of favouritism.

Happy New Year!


John_Cass said…
Looking forward to the book.

Curious about the parenting issue.
V said…
No major issue really: just my jealousy, that she admitted she liked her mom a little more than me!

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