The Power of Spinning

The higher up a corporate ladder, surely the higher is the salary which, indeed, grows exponentially along the hierarchy such that it is no surprise the CEO readily takes home, say, 50 times more than a ground level staff does. Such divergence in remuneration is commonplace in most companies, across industries and economies, indeed, beyond any reasonable doubt - if not envy.

Even (or particularly) behind the facade of socialism - worse yet, the hypocrisy of communism - the spread in conferred interests and benefits between the top and the bottom of rank is inexorably huge.

What explains, let alone justifies, the out-sized spread in people's worth? How do politicians, lawyers, consultants, chief executives, or professional executives, ascertain their value; and how is the rest of society convinced of their status such that they keep their disproportionally larger shares of the total sum? Luck must be playing its important part, that is, besides ones destiny and, of course, all those appropriate attributes of character, competence and attitude.

Paradoxically, and instrumentally, perhaps it also has to do with a person's ability of spinning things out of and into any perspectives at will, and at ease, convincingly.


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