
Writing, indeed the whole life, is like playing scrabble: When you have exhausted all that you know, or you think you know, it is often hard to make sense of all the letters randomly scattered in front of you, until somehow out of a sudden inspiration, awakening from serendipity or just sheer luck, Eureka, you find the next word.

Steve Jobs famously said at his Stanford commencement speech in 2005, though not exactly in these words, that you may not be able to connect all the dots and make sense of everything you have come across in the earlier times until much later in your life - referring to how what he learnt from the calligraphy class after dropping out from college only came in handy 10 years afterwards, when he began to design the first Mac computer, making it the first computer with beautiful typography.

Anyway, I am back in writing here. I mean I have never really left.


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