A Person's True Vocation

Now available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and my book site !


Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Thank you so much Mr.Li for giving me this inspiring book yesterday at the Distinguished Speaker Series in CUHK Hotel&Tourism School! I love deep reflecting as well and I found the word "Vocation" in your book name has very profound meaning. Translated into chinese it means 职业,天职,天命,which indicating that one's career is actually kind of destiny, like your vocation in aviation industry and hopefully my future vocation in tourism industry! Just as you shared in your speech, when we looked back like Steve Jobs and connecting the dots, we will found that everything is in a flow of reason-causation, and everything seems just meant to be! I just got the summer internship opportunity in Swire Travel Ltm and I will explore and reflect more during my working in my VOCATION. Thank you so much!
V said…
You are very welcome...Good luck with your internship at Swire Travel and future career choices!

I heard Swire Travel is the first registered travel agent in Hong Kong. You may verify that. :)

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