Random Thoughts on Kindness

How the world is depends to a large extent on how we see it. It starts and rests in the mind, where the senses are.

How people treat us depends to a large extent on how we treat them which, in turn, also affects how we see them. It is like the physical law of action and reaction. It is a simple manifestation of the deterministic phenomenon of cause and effect. People can become our mirror images.

Witness the power of good faith and kindness in the making, as in the reaction seen from kids' to corporate behavior. It's amazing and far-reaching. But so is ill will and aggression. It's a vicious circle. Either way, it's perpetuating.

But people may not have the luxury of a conscious choice. Disposition toward kindness or aggression may have long been "domesticated" as habitual behaviour through ones upbringing and surrounding. It's just the way people are - what they have become.

For those in positions of corporate leadership, therefore, how they treat people can make a big difference to the working environment and even people's life. All hopes should be for more conscious choices of good faith over ill will, leading therefore to more acts of kindness over those of aggression - even in an environment of rat race.

Suddenly what I wrote over two years ago came back to mind.


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