Collective Wisdom
Continuing from the previous posting (and reading "the wisdom of crowds"), it occurs to me that for the smartest kind of decisions to be made, diverse views are not supposed to be aligned, but aggregated. Paradoxically, voting, as opposed to coerced consesus, stands a better chance of generating the most effective solution for problem-solving.
So free will is important, as is the gut to speak out or even play devil advocate - attributes which are hard to come by and sustain in a corporate setting, where politics is always a key factor at play in reality.
On the other hand, when decisions come down to issues on pay, diverse views of course have to be aligned, or the workforce lacks harmony. The bottom line is what the company is prepared to pay. True collective wisdom has limited role in the process.
So free will is important, as is the gut to speak out or even play devil advocate - attributes which are hard to come by and sustain in a corporate setting, where politics is always a key factor at play in reality.
On the other hand, when decisions come down to issues on pay, diverse views of course have to be aligned, or the workforce lacks harmony. The bottom line is what the company is prepared to pay. True collective wisdom has limited role in the process.