Only in Indonesia

There are numerous shops across Jakarta where pirated copies of games are readily sold for the popular consoles of DS, PSP, Wii and Playstation. But what makes this simple yet modern looking shop particularly unique is its location - not at any third-rate shopping outlet, but in the top-class Pacific Place in central Jakart. All samples are blatantly displayed and transactions openly made with absolutely no demonstration of any concern on the issue of legality by anyone.

It is not a mirage, but very real.

V - Entrepreneurship in Corporate Life: Mirage or Reality?


Anonymous said…
Very interesting site..priacy goes on everywhere, but a shop in a mall? it would not happen here..in a mall in the US..we do that kind of thing behind closed doors
V said…
Yes, same as in HK, where Customs take a very heavy hand towards prosecution against piracy. But those guys often come up with ingenious ways of distribution behind closed doors as you said.

Thanks for visiting!

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